Love This Old Lady Getting Brady's Back And Trying To Get Him Into The Country Club So They Can Fuck



(Source)“We like it that way,” she said. “We don’t want any thugs at the club. I would support them, yes,” she said. “My husband isn’t around to gawk at Gisele, but if Tom Brady wants to come home with me, he can do that anytime.”




Dolores you old minx! Love this answer. “Yeah I want Tom Brady in this club so he can fuck me.” That’s what it all comes down to, right? That’s why we want anyone in the same vicinity as us? Because we think if they’re in the same building then we have a shot. You know that’s how you operate. The hot chick in your office? The hot girl in class? You’ve got a fair shake because she has to be around you and you’re the most charismatic son of a bitch alive. Dolores (a name I made up) thinks the same. Get TB12 on the same course as her, in the same clubhouse as her, at the same 19th hole as her, and she might get Tom Brady to take her home and fuck her like her dead husband never could. That’s a d2r and I love it.

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